77 research outputs found

    Formal Dependability Engineering with MIOA

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    In this paper, we introduce MIOA, a stochastic process algebra-like specification language with datatypes, as well as a logic intSPDL, and its model checking algorithms. MIOA, which stands for Markovian input/output automata language, is an extension of Lynch's input/automata with Markovian timed transitions.MIOA can serve both as a fully fledged ``stand-alone'' specification language and the semantic model for the architectural dependability modelling and evaluation language Arcade. The logic intSPDL is an extension of the stochastic logic SPDL, to deal with the specialties of MIOA. intSPDL in the context of Arcade can be seen as the semantic model of abstract and complex dependability measures that can be defined in the Arcade framework. We define syntax and semantics of both MIOA and intSPDL, and show examples of applying MIOA and intSPDL in the realm of dependability modelling with Arcade

    GCSRL - A Logic for Stochastic Reward Models with Timed and Untimed Behaviour

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    In this paper we define the logic GCSRL (generalised continuous stochastic reward logic) that provides means to reason about systems that have states which sojourn times are either greater zero, in which case this sojourn time is exponentially distributed (tangible states), or zero (vanishing states).\ud In case of generalised stochastic Petri nets (GSPNs) and stochastic process algebras it turned out that these vanishing states can be very useful when it comes to define system behaviour. In the same way these states are useful for defining system properties using stochastic logics. We extend both the semantic model and the semantics of CSRL such that it allows to attach impulse rewards to transitions emanating from vanishing states. We show by means of a small example how model checking GCSRL formulae works

    SPDL Model Checking via Property-Driven State Space Generation

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    In this report we describe how both, memory and time requirements for stochastic model checking of SPDL (stochastic propositional dynamic logic) formulae can significantly be reduced. SPDL is the stochastic extension of the multi-modal program logic PDL.\ud SPDL provides means to specify path-based properties with or without timing restrictions. Paths can be characterised by so-called programs, essentially regular expressions, where the executability can be made dependent on the validity of test formulae. For model-checking SPDL path formulae it is necessary to build a product transition system (PTS)\ud between the system model and the program automaton belonging to the path formula that is to be verified.\ud In many cases, this PTS can be drastically reduced during the model checking procedure, as the program restricts the number of potentially satisfying paths. Therefore, we propose an approach that directly generates the reduced PTS from a given SPA specification and an SPDL path formula.\ud The feasibility of this approach is shown through a selection of case studies, which show enormous state space reductions, at no increase in generation time.\u

    Extending the Logic IM-SPDL with Impulse and State Rewards

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    This report presents the logic SDRL (Stochastic Dynamic Reward Logic), an extension of the stochastic logic IM-SPDL, which supports the specication of complex performance and dependability requirements. SDRL extends IM-SPDL with the possibility to express impulse- and state reward measures.\ud The logic is interpreted over extended action-based Markov reward model (EMRM), i.e. transition systems containing both immediate and Markovian transitions, where additionally the states and transitions can be enriched with rewards.\ud We define ne the syntax and semantics of the new logic and show that SDRL provides powerful means to specify path-based properties with timing and reward-based restrictions.\ud In general, paths can be characterised by regular expressions, also called programs, where the executability of a program may depend on the validity of test formulae. For the model checking of SDRL time- and reward-bounded path formulae, a deterministic program automaton is constructed from the requirement. Afterwards the product transition\ud system between this automaton and the EMRM is built and subsequently transformed into a continuous time Markov reward model (MRM) on which numerical\ud analysis is performed.\u

    Model Checking Markov Chains with Actions and State Labels

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    In the past, logics of several kinds have been proposed for reasoning about discrete- or continuous-time Markov chains. Most of these logics rely on either state labels (atomic propositions) or on transition labels (actions). However, in several applications it is useful to reason about both state-properties and action-sequences. For this purpose, we introduce the logic asCSL which provides powerful means to characterize execution paths of Markov chains with actions and state labels. asCSL can be regarded as an extension of the purely state-based logic asCSL (continuous stochastic logic). \ud In asCSL, path properties are characterized by regular expressions over actions and state-formulas. Thus, the truth value of path-formulas does not only depend on the available actions in a given time interval, but also on the validity of certain state formulas in intermediate states.\ud We compare the expressive power of CSL and asCSL and show that even the state-based fragment of asCSL is strictly more expressive than CSL if time intervals starting at zero are employed. Using an automaton-based technique, an asCSL formula and a Markov chain with actions and state labels are combined into a product Markov chain. For time intervals starting at zero we establish a reduction of the model checking problem for asCSL to CSL model checking on this product Markov chain. The usefulness of our approach is illustrated by through an elaborate model of a scalable cellular communication system for which several properties are formalized by means of asCSL-formulas, and checked using the new procedure

    Distributed Markovian Bisimulation Reduction aimed at CSL Model Checking

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    The verification of quantitative aspects like performance and dependability by means of model checking has become an important and vivid area of research over the past decade.\ud \ud An important result of that research is the logic CSL (continuous stochastic logic) and its corresponding model checking algorithms. The evaluation of properties expressed in CSL makes it necessary to solve large systems of linear (differential) equations, usually by means of numerical analysis. Both the inherent time and space complexity of the numerical algorithms make it practically infeasible to model check systems with more than 100 million states, whereas realistic system models may have billions of states.\ud \ud To overcome this severe restriction, it is important to be able to replace the original state space with a probabilistically equivalent, but smaller one. The most prominent equivalence relation is bisimulation, for which also a stochastic variant exists (Markovian bisimulation). In many cases, this bisimulation allows for a substantial reduction of the state space size. But, these savings in space come at the cost of an increased time complexity. Therefore in this paper a new distributed signature-based algorithm for the computation of the bisimulation quotient of a given state space is introduced.\ud \ud To demonstrate the feasibility of our approach in both a sequential, and more important, in a distributed setting, we have performed a number of case studies

    Rich Interfaces for Dependability: Compositional Methods for Dynamic Fault Trees and Arcade models

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    This paper discusses two behavioural interfaces for reliability analysis: dynamic fault trees, which model the system reliability in terms of the reliability of its components and Arcade, which models the system reliability at an architectural level. For both formalisms, the reliability is analyzed by transforming the DFT or Arcade model to a set of input-output Markov Chains. By using compositional aggregation techniques based on weak bisimilarity, significant reductions in the state space can be obtained

    Model Checking Markov Chains with Actions and State Labels

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    Characterizing the Urban Mine—Challenges of Simplified Chemical Analysis of Anthropogenic Mineral Residues

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    Anthropogenic mineral residues are characterized by their material complexity and heterogeneity, which pose challenges to the chemical analysis of multiple elements. However, creating an urban mine knowledge database requires data using affordable and simple chemical analysis methods, providing accurate and valid results. In this study, we assess the applicability of simplified multi-element chemical analysis methods for two anthropogenic mineral waste matrices: (1) lithium-ion battery ash that was obtained from thermal pre-treatment and (2) rare earth elements (REE)-bearing iron-apatite ore from a Swedish tailing dam. For both samples, simplified methods comprising ‘inhouse’ wet-chemical analysis and energy-dispersive Xray fluorescence (ED-XRF) spectrometry were compared to the results of the developed matrix-specific validated methods. Simplified wet-chemical analyses showed significant differences when compared to the validated method, despite proven internal quality assurance, such as verification of sample homogeneity, precision, and accuracy. Matrix-specific problems, such as incomplete digestion and overlapping spectra due to similar spectral lines (ICP-OES) or element masses (ICP-MS), can result in quadruple overestimations or underestimation by half when compared to the reference value. ED-XRF analysis proved to be applicable as semi-quantitative analysis for elements with mass fractions higher than 1000 ppm and an atomic number between Z 12 and Z 50. For elements with low mass fractions, ED-XRF analysis performed poorly and showed deviations of up to 90 times the validated value. Concerning all the results, we conclude that the characterization of anthropogenic mineral residues is prone to matrix-specific interferences, which have to be addressed with additional quality assurance measures.DFG, 414044773, Open Access Publizieren 2019 - 2020 / Technische Universität BerlinEC/H2020/641999/EU/ Prospecting Secondary raw materials in the Urban mine and Mining waste/ProSU